Friday, January 7, 2011


Hotel 21 C Pajama Party - 2009
photo by Danny O'Bryan

"We are actualizing the universe. Since we are part of the universe, that makes the universe (and us) self-actualizing."

"Without perception, the universe continues to generate an endless profusion of possibilites. The effect of perception, however, is immediate and dramatic. All of the wave function representing the observed system collapses, except one part, which actualizes into reality. No one knows what causes a particular possibility to actualize and the rest to vanish. The only law governing this phenomenon is statistical. In other words it is up to chance...."

The Dancing Wu Li Masters
Gary Zukav

"Sarina the fair-haired
Bedawnzing girl!

in the coitus position and starts throwing a fit at heaven with her loines.
She twists in pain, her face is distorted, teeth, hair falls, shoulders squirm and snake-She stays on the floor on her two hands supporting and knocking her works right at the audience of dark men, some of them college boys- Whistles! The organ music is lowdown get-down-there-what you doing down there blues..."

I look up, there are the stars, just the same desolation, and the angels
below who don't know they are angels-

Amd Sarina will die-
And I will die-and you will die, and we all will die, and even the stars will fade out one after another in time.

Jack Kerouac
Desolation Angels

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