The End is Near
photo by Danny O'Bryan
We are born into mystery
Never lose the magic
Always be astounded by
Life and you will
Never be
Danny O'Bryan
"Whatever I may do in this world, disturbing it, transforming it, or
rather imagining I've transformed it - whatever use I may make of the world,
even if I venture into the planets - it is always what it is. And what is it?
Nothing can surpass my astonishment at its being what it is, at its being and
at me being here. If I could succeed in opening every door, there would still
be the unopenable door of astonishment."
Eugene Ionesco
Yardhog's Journals
"Kathy Acker loved Miles Davis and like Miles didn't give a fuck - except
about the things she gave a fuck about."
"Who ever controls the words controls our thoughts."
"Reality is a fucked up place to live and we can do a lot better."
"Well I think writing is basically about time and rhythm. Like with jazz, you
have your basic melody and you riff off it. And the riffs are about timing,
and about sex."
Kathy Acker
"The reduction of nearly every man to the partial social function of the
specialist has produced a society of ennuchs..."
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