photo by Danny O'Bryan
"Man is a wanting animal and one desire is no sooner satisfied than another
takes its place."
"If the self does not become itself it's in despair whether it knows it or
"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that
the dunces are all in confederacy against him."
Jonathan Swift
"The finest people marry the two sexes in their own person. Hermaphrodite is
the symbol of the finished soul."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
For flowing is the secret of things. No wonder the children love masks and to
trick themselves in endless costumes and be a horse, a soldier, a parson or a
bear and older delight in theatricals as in nature, the egg is passing to a
grub, the grub to a fly, and the vegetable eye to a bud, the bud to a leaf, a
stem, a flower, a fruit. The children have only the instinct of their race,
the instinct of the universe in which becoming something else is the whole
game of nature and death the penalty of standing still - Liberty means the
power to flow."
Yardhog's Journals
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